Tag: theatre

Review: The Last Seam at Holbeck Underground Ballroom

It’s somehow appropriate that a play created to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the 1984-5 Miners Strike and the 2015 closure Hatfield Main colliery, should come to an industrial wasteland in South Leeds, the historic birthplace of the Industrial Revolution, powered by coal. Ironic though that Holbeck Underground Ballroom, a

Coal stories: The Last Seam at Slung Low

Marking the closure of one of the last deep seam mines, Hatfield Main Colliery, and fifty years after the closure of South Leeds last coal mine, Middleton Broom Pit, a powerful new play The Last Seam comes to Holbeck’s own theatre: Slung Low’s HUB this Sunday (23 September 2018). During the

Learn ‘How To…’ at Slung Low’s fifth festival

Hallowe’en arrives early in Holbeck on Sunday 2 October as Slung Low join in with the nation’s Fun Palaces by bringing you their 5th How To…Festival : Bride of The Fun Palace of Fear. A day of macabre performances, demonstrations, activities and food with Nunkie Theatre, Harrison Richards, Joe Lidster,

Beryl, The Play (Life story of Beryl Burton)

The play was Beryl, the life story of Beryl Burton, Champion Women’s Cyclist. The play was by my favourite actress Maxine Peake.  All four actors on stage play different people at times, for instance Rebecca Ryan as a young Beryl and Samantha Power as the grown up Beryl. Beryl was