Tag: paul truswell

Friends of Middleton Park Craft, Flower And Produce Show

    The last Gala or Fair of the season although this is called, Friends of Middleton Park Craft, Flower and Produce Show. Was an overcast day, but thankfully no rain, and brought massive crowds into the Park to enjoy all the fun. Lots of cars already parked up on

‘Kill Your Speed’ in Middleton and Belle Isle

Community campaigners are aiming to tackle speeding traffic throughout Middleton and Belle Isle. Local resident Geoff Byers, who is Chair of the Aberfield and Newhalls Residents Association, schoolchildren, parents and a team of volunteers have expressed concern at the high speeds vehicles are reaching, especially on Newhall Road, New Forest

Middleton traders join forces to improve shopping experience

A helping hand for Middleton and Belle Isle trading areas has arrived thanks to a new alliance of traders and local stakeholders. Councillors Kim Groves, Judith Blake and Paul Truswell (Labour, Middleton Park) have worked with local businesses and stakeholders to form the Middleton Town Team. Big and small businesses,

Crime issues discussed at Belle Isle community meeting

Sergeant Paul Denison attended the latest Newhalls and Aberfields community meeting at Manor Field Hall in Belle Isle, writes Rothwell NPT. Crime statistics for the area were discussed and although reported crime in the Newhalls and Aberfields has been low there has been a noticeable increase in burglaries in the Belle

Slideshow: Manor Farm community hosts successful fun day

[slideshow]The communities of Manor Farm and surrounding Belle Isle and Middleton join in a Community Fun Day at the Manor Field Hall, writes Deacon Al Henry. It was an afternoon of food, craft, dance, advice and information.        Many local agencies such as Health for All, Change4Life, Aire Valley Homes, weight management,

Pupils on the ball for South Leeds football tournament organised by police

Lads and lasses from six South Leeds primary schools battled it out in a blistering 7-a-side football tournament organised by the area’s Neighbourhood Policing Team. Middleton Park Councillors Paul Truswell, Kim Groves and Judith Blake provided funding for the event, which also included play equipment for those not engaged on

Campaigners battle for faster internet speed in Middleton

A group of Middleton residents have got their ‘bytes’ between their teeth and are cranking up their campaign for faster broadband speed in the area. Residents in New Forest Village and Heritage Village area of Middleton say their lives have been blighted by slow internet speeds, making it difficult to work from home or conduct

Poll: Are bus services in south Leeds any good?

Are bus services in south Leeds up to scratch? Have bus operators got a service which is just the ticket, or is it time for them to ring the bell and get off at the next stop? Now’s the chance for you to have your say in our poll and