Friends of Middleton Park Craft, Flower And Produce Show



scenes (3)The last Gala or Fair of the season although this is called, Friends of Middleton Park Craft, Flower and Produce Show.

Was an overcast day, but thankfully no rain, and brought massive crowds into the Park to enjoy all the fun.

Lots of cars already parked up on Town Street and surrounding streets, so expected many families to turn up and did not disappoint.

Saw many friends that I used to see in Middleton, when I lived there. From my days in business, church and just friends.

Sorry if I forgot some of your names, I know your faces though.

First thing I notice is that at least 3 stalls not here this year but was last year.

Anyway concentrate on the groups and stall that did turn up for the event.


Westwood Community Association

Raising money by selling items, on their Tombola Stall.


Friends of Middleton Park (FOMP)

Showing off a stained glass picture, and selling (FOMP) polo shirts, and fleeces. Also Tombola tickets.


SLATE (charity shop)

From Hunslet Road Charity Shop. Selling small items from the shop. The shop itself sells mostly furniture and electrical items.  Money raised, goes to help special needs Adults.


Learn how to Zumba

Seems as popular as ever when I see this group of ladies. Many ladies and girls had a go with the group.zumba (1) Saw no men having a go though.


Green Doctor

Giving out advice on saving energy, and brochures to take away. Well done, like some others always seem to turn up for these events.


East Leeds Steel Band

Again was very popular with the familes. I even knew some of the tunes.


Tingley Brass Bandband (1)

On the bandstand. Again, very popular at these events. Started with It’s a Long Way to Tipperary.


Leeds Cancer Centre

Giving out advice and information leaflets.



South Leeds Councillors

Kim Groves, Judith Blake and Paul Truswell. Caught up with them having a cuppa.

Had a word with Paul, said was going to bring his Camera, but knew I was going to be here taking photos. There’s always room for you Paul. You can always send future photos to Editor will make a slide show for you. At least this year, YEP photographer not getting in my way. Lol.


Sheep Dog Trials

In this case again as last year rounding up Ducks into a pen. Don’t think things went to plan. Anyway the crowds thought it was funny.


Birds of Prey.animals (7)

Always a favourite with me at these events. Love photographing Animals. Little Children getting to hold some of the little birds in their hands. After wearing gloves of course. That vulture looked fierce though.


Stall selling Honey

Even had a small hive with hundreds of bees in it making honey along with the queen.


Face Painting.

Very popular with small girls. Tigers seem to be the ones to go for.


Exhibit Tent

This is where the Flowers, Vegetables and Art get judged.

Managed to get in early on, before the crowds were allowed in. Was stopped going in, but soon as I explained was taking photos for South Leeds Life they let me in.

Julie, you should have brought your Marrow. One on show was quite small. You would have won easy.


Please take the time to look through the Photograph Slide show at the top of this Blog.


After about 2 and a half hours, had a drink and some Samosas from an Asian stall, always very popular with me.

Made my way home up the steep hill out of the Park. Good job I’m fit.

By this time cars backed up to water tower end of Town Street.


Photographs are mine and South Leeds Life copyright. ©.

You may use them as long as you attribute the photos to me. Thank You.

Kenneth Ingram.


See you all again next year at the next Gala/Fair.

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