Tag: bus services

Changes to bus timetables in South Leeds from 1st September

West Yorkshire Metro has released details of changes to bus timetables to come into force on Sunday 1 September 2024: 47 47A Leeds • Hunslet • Middleton • East Ardsley • Morley • Cottingley • White Rose Centre Operated by First Most journeys will be retimed by around 5-10 minutes

Have your say on improving bus services

People in Leeds are being encouraged to get on board with a public consultation process that will help shape the future of the city’s bus services. The West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) has launched the consultation to gather views on the possible introduction of a county-wide bus franchising system. The

Let’s get our buses back!

A consultation being undertaken by the West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) is the next step to bringing public transport back under public control. Bus services in England, apart from London, have been privatised since 1986. The result has been steep fare rises, unreliability and the cutting of unprofitable routes. We