Tag: computers

What’s happening at BITMOs GATE in February 2016

What’s Happening At BITMOs GATE In February 2016. Each month we have a range of activities, events and courses available for free at BITMOs GATE, which is the new resource centre next to Belle Isle TMO’s housing office on Belle Isle Road. Here are some of the things happening in

Mini HUGO helps people in South Leeds get online

  Mini HUGO – a minibus equipped with computers has hit the road in South Leeds to get people get online and flood communities with free wi-fi. This week you can find Mini HUGO on the following streets: Tuesday 18 Feb:  Penny Lane Way & Jack Lane, Hunslet (morning only)

If you want to get on-line catch the HUGO bus

  The HUGO bus will be in Belle Isle on Monday and Tuesday this week (10-11 February 2014) helping people to get online. If you’re reading this you are probably fairly confident on the web, but perhaps you know someone who’s not online, or maybe you got a tablet for

A new role for the old Belle Isle library

  BITMO, the Belle Isle Tenant Management Organisation is breathing new life into the old Belle Isle library, reinventing it as a community resource centre. I went to meet Carla Yeomans who is running the project. The building, at Aberfield Gate, is being refurbished and now has a kitchen and