Last Monday (27 January 2025) the Beeston Hill Community Association (BHCA) hosted a meeting for local residents to discuss the finalised plans to change the Tempest Road/Dewsbury Road junction. The proposal stops people turning right in and out of Tempest Road and Colwyn Road – something that people feel very strongly about. As a community-led group, the BHCA are keen that Highways listen to the valid concerns of those living in the area.
Residents are in agreement with Highways that this junction needs to be made safer but don’t believe this proposal will increase safety at the junction or across the community. They think these changes will negatively impact smaller streets and access in and out of Beeston Hill.
We are now in the official public consultation phase for the junction, until Friday (7 February 2025). BCHA is encouraging all residents, especially those who live near or use the junction regularly, to take action by emailing libby.sweeney@leeds.gov.uk to make your views heard.
Over 50 residents, plus local ward councillors attended the fairly ‘last minute meeting’. Highways were invited but were not able to attend. Those attending sat in small groups around tables, with everyone who wanted to, getting the chance to speak. The emphasis was on listening to each other and finding out what people thought of the plan. Local resident, Linda said:
“27th January’s Meeting at Beeston Hill Community Association was again really well attended in spite of the dark nights and cold weather and really well hosted (as we have come to expect thank you committee). I know on the three tables in my vicinity not one person agreed with the Highways department about their plans to fill in the central reservation at the bottom of Tempest road causing traffic chaos….”
Many attendees echoed Linda’s comments and there was a lot of anger and disappointment amongst residents, especially given the efforts and ideas local people have tried to communicate with Highways over the past year. There was much agreement about the issues this proposal presents and how these don’t improve safety. For example, lots of people were saying that drivers, frustrated at not being able to turn right in or out of the junction, will inevitably do U-turns around the ends of the central reservations which will add chaos. Especially at peak times and on Leeds United match days when traffic is already problematic.
It will also mean drivers start to use smaller streets around Beeston Hill to get to where they want to be – this is already happening on the Lindens and Camberley Street, due to the many road changes there has been over previous years. The Woodviews will surely be negatively affected by this junction change, especially around Mosque times. This increased traffic flow to more residential streets makes these more dangerous for local people, especially children.
Residents also talked about the impact of the closure of Trentham Street and how this has really altered access to Beeston Hill. It is worth noting that Trentham Street was closed off in 2019. This is 5 years ago – the same period that there has been an increase in serious accidents at Tempest Road, residents queried if this was a coincidence? Or is it that more traffic is now having to use that junction than previously? People were asking the question, if Tempest Road shuts, will this just push the problem further up Dewsbury Road to Cross Flatts Avenue and Grove?
Another point raised about the closure of the reservation was about access for emergency vehicles; we have been told fire engines will be able to mount the reservation if needed, but some residents argued that “rapid response vehicles are only large cars and police cars would not be able to”– this is a question we have put to Highways.
Attendees were also asked to give Yes or No answers to 3 questions to help give clear feedback to Highways. Of the 41 responses we got, 98% said they did not think this proposal will make the Tempest Rd/Dewsbury Rd junction safer and 100% said they were not in favour of the central reservation being closed. When asked if they were in favour of the proposal being trialled and assessed before it becomes permanent, 78% said ‘Yes’ whilst 22% said ‘No’. We have since been told that, although the idea of a trial has value, it is not feasible due to the restrictions on the road safety fund that will finance work at this location.
At the end of the meeting local Councillors Carlisle, Iqbal and Wray were given an opportunity to comment and give their views. Residents were keen that the councillors really listen to what residents are saying and put their case to Highways. We understand there are deadlines, legal obligations and funding agreements in place, but the overwhelming feeling was that local people would rather wait for a good option to be put forward, rather than going ahead with something that might not be right. The BHCA is determined to keep pushing the Council to consider resident’s views and take more time to work out a solution.
Although. this is about residents coming together over an unsafe junction, it is also about a bigger picture about power – too many local decisions get pushed through and done ‘to’ rather than ‘with’ residents. Local people live here, their views and insights matter – we have to live with the consequences of decision makers actions, not them. As residents we have organised ourselves, talked to each, brought valid concerns and engaged with the process in a respectful way, but we are still not being heard.
The BHCA was established and exists to bring people together for reasons just like this – to be a collective voice and is a tool to hold our councillors and council departments to account. We take hope from our neighbours in Morley, who recently got a controversial junction overturned (Morley Bottoms) – local people can and should have power and a voice. We will continue to stand with and for our community on issues that really matter.
For more information on this issue or please visit our Facebook page – Beeston Hill Community Association – Leeds.
This post was written by Sarah Hutchinson
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Good informative article but should have told people that only one councillor was in favour and he is a non driver so has no personal experience and trusts the highways decision the other two could appreciate the problems and safety aspects
So for transparency, let’s be clear you’re referring to me.
Lots of people don’t do things that they make decisions on or are not practitioners in the field of.
My job is to look at evidence and come to an informed position – listening to all sides, both from local residents, (who don’t have a unanimous position on this, and there are lots of people that are supportive of the highway proposal who are not being mentioned) and the professional qualified staff who have the legal responsibility in this case to address a safety issue which the law now says they must do something about.
And to be clear, I didn’t say I was specifically wedded to this proposal, I said I would follow the professional advice and assessment of highways officers.
If an alternative scheme is suggested that meets the safety requirements required and reduces the negative consequences which will result from any of the proposed schemes, then I will follow their professional advice because I’m not a highways engineer and as far as I’m aware, no one in the room was a highways.
I would also know a lot of people in that room who voiced opinions also know don’t drive, and so if my opinion doesn’t count as a non-driver, are you suggesting their opinion doesn’t count?
Highways weren’t able to attend. They should have been told to.
They were given relatively little notice for the meeting and work business hours, so they could have had the child cover arrangements, other obligations that were already in their diary, just like any of us do in day-to-day life.
Seems people feel strongly on this issue. Lived in road 10 years and takes a while to be able to cross road. Would settle for no change in traffic but a second zebra crossing more toward Beeston Road end. Its great so many have a view even if not agreeing with each other.