Tag: Cllr Paul Truswell

St George’s community hub re-launches

The newly refurbished community hub at the St George’s Centre in Middleton was officially re-launched on Friday (14 September 2018) by Cllr Debra Coupar, executive member for communities, with Middleton Park ward members Cllr Judith Blake and Cllr Paul Truswell. The hub features redesigned library area, an enlarged job club

Last Coals To Leeds: Pupils launch railway’s new book

Pupils from Hunslet Carr and Windmill Primary Schools helped Middleton railway launch its new booklet about Middleton Broom Pit today (14 September 2018). The children heard from the railway’s Vice President Ian Smith and received their copies of the booklet from Cllr Judith Blake and Cllr Paul Truswell. They then

Slideshow: New play area for Middleton St Mary’s

Middleton St Mary’s Primary School opened their new play provision for their Reception class this afternoon (15 May 2018). Headteacher Naomi Wood explained that the play equipment was part of the school’s strategy to improve the low results for the Foundation Stage (nursery and Reception): “All the activities are about

Bus services need a “democratic kick” says Councillor

The running of local bus services needs a “democratic kick” to bring them under greater control of the communities they serve, says a South Leeds Councillor. Councillor Paul Truswell (Labour Middleton and Belle Isle), chairs the Infrastructure and Investment Scrutiny Board that conducted an investigation into bus services last year.