Tag: Holbeck Moor

Youth sports project kicks off

Premier League Kicks, a sports programme that’s free of charge for children and young people in Beeston and Holbeck, kicked off last week, thanks to funding from Beeston and Holbeck Councillors, Angela Gabriel, Andrew Scopes and Gohar Almass. The Premier League Kicks programme, delivered by the Leeds United Foundation, aims

Get active in South Leeds parks this summer

Active Leeds has organised a host of events in our local parks for the summer holidays: Xplorer is an educational fun family friendly navigation challenge. Explore the park, find the markers complete the challenfge have fun together. This is a free activity and there is no need to book, just

Middleton Railway strikes Gold at Yorkshire In Bloom

Middleton Railway was amongst the groups from South Leeds receiving awards at the RHS Yorkshire In Bloom ceremony at York Racecourse on Tuesday (11 September 2018). The railway was awarded a Gold Award in the “Tourist Attraction” category. The judge said the floral displays on the Moor Road station platform