Tag: Opera North

South Leeds children take to the stage with Opera North

Almost 1,000 schoolchildren from 26 primary schools across the north of England, including several from South Leeds, have been treading the boards over the last couple of weeks, as ‘Wonderland Restored’ made a welcome return. Composed by Will Todd, one of the UK’s leading composers, Wonderland Restored was inspired by

In Harmony donations will be doubled for one week

Four South Leeds schools could benefit from Opera North’s fundraising push ‘Let Music Inspire’ and donations next week will be doubled. For one week only from Tuesday 19 March, every donation made towards Opera North’s ‘Let Music Inspire’ campaign will be matched pound for pound thanks to the Big Give’s

Arts Together launches new care homes project

In recognition of the huge impact the current situation has had on care homes, Arts Together has launched a new project which will see music, drama and performance being used to boost the mental and emotional wellbeing of residents and their carers across Leeds. During September, Arts Together for Care

South Leeds schoolchildren take part in Opera North’s Big Sing

Over 1,000 Yorkshire schoolchildren, including pupils from Low Road and New Bewerley primary schools, will be treading the boards over the next few weeks as they appear in the first ever performances of a new piece by Will Todd, one of the UK’s leading contemporary composers. Wonderland Restored was inspired