Tag: Cllr Andrew Scopes

Premier League Kicks stays in Beeston

Young people aged between 8 and 18 in Beeston and Holbeck will be able to continue to take advantage of a project delivered by the Leeds United Foundation and funded by local Councillors Andrew Scopes, Angela Gabriel and Gohar Almass. The Premier League Kicks project targets young people who traditionally

Why I support the Managed Approach to prostitution

In this article Cllr Andrew Scopes (Beeston & Holbeck) sets out his thinking on the issues around street sex work in Holbeck. We know this is a contentious issue, or rather what is to be done about it is contentious. One of South Leeds Life’s aims is to be a

Cottingley children show the way on social responsibility

Before Christmas Year 6 children at Cottingley Primary Academy wrote to their MP and Councillors to express their concerns about the Cottingley Hall estate. The pupils raised a range of issues in their well crafted letters: “Residents are embarrassed of where they live because their environment is getting ruined and

Councillors bring change to the Managed Approach

Local councillors Andrew Scopes, Angela Gabriel and Gohar Almass are pleased to see the difference new policing arrangements are having on the Managed Approach to street sex work in Holbeck since they pushed the Council for their introduction at the end of last year. Residents and businesses had expressed their

Football’s coming to Beeston

Tomorrow’s football superstars can get in even more practice now after two sets of goalposts have been installed in Beeston after funding from local Councillors Andrew Scopes, Gohar Almass and Angela Gabriel. Budding strikers can now take aim on the fields just off Parkwood Close and those near Normanton Place.