Month: August 2018

South Leeds employment funding programme set to launch

On Monday 24 September the ‘South Leeds Together’ programme will be holding its launch event at John Charles Centre for Sport. Organisations that are interested in learning more about this European Structural and Investment Fund scheme are invited to come along and learn about how they might access funding for

Park and Ride campaigners call public meeting this week

The Stop the Stourton Park and Ride campaign continues – and we’re holding a public meeting this coming Thursday (23 August 2018; details below) for other residents to come and find out more, and to get involved. We wanted to work with the councillors (from both Hunslet and Riverside, and

Free community camping event returns – sign up now!

The annual South Leeds Community Camp event is back again, overnight on Saturday 15 to Sunday 16 September in Middleton Park – and is open for bookings! This free family event each year (it’s now in its fifth year) sees dozens of local people from across the south Leeds communities