Tag: west yorkshire police inner south

Appeal: Serious road collision on Garnet Road, Beeston

Appeal: Serious Road Collision on Garnet Road, Beeston. Thursday 6 October, 2016. Police are appealing for witnesses following a serious road collision in Leeds where an 11-year-old was injured. The incident happened on Garnet Road near to the junction with Dewsbury Road at 3:45pm on Wednesday (5 October 2016). A

Police Operation Champion in Beeston

West Yorkshire Police – Leeds Inner South. On Monday (11 April 2016) officers took part in Operation Champion, a pro-active operation targeting vehicles that are deemed unfit for use on the road and vehicles that are benefitting from using illegal fuel. This was a joint operation with local officers working

Inner South Police Local Priorities

Inner South Local Priorities These are the priorities you have identified in your area. Visit the news pages  http://www.westyorkshire.police.uk/leeds/inner-south/priorities for updates on how these priorities are being addressed by your local teams. Beeston Priority To tackle anti-social behaviour in and around the Cross Flatts area, including the park. Response/Action Action