Tag: Universal Credit

MP’s Notebook: Voluntary organisations, Universal Credit and conspiracy theories

I had a very useful catch-up recently with Elissa Newman of Holbeck Together, the voluntary organisation of which I have the honour to be Patron. Despite the lockdown, Elissa and her wonderful team have continued to support their service users with regular phone calls, help with shopping and prescriptions and

Help to get ready for Universal Credit

Universal Credit (UC) is a massive change implemented by the UK Government to how people receive six existing benefits. These are being rolled into one monthly payment. These changes will have an impact on how and when people are paid. The benefits being incorporate into UC are: Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance Income-related

Help to get internet ready for Universal Credit

Leeds City College is running a Digital Literacy course to help people prepare for the new Universal Credit benefit system. The controversial new benefit is being phased in and will replace six existing benefits with one monthly payment. It will replace: Child Tax Credit; Housing Benefit; Income Support; Income-based Jobseeker’s

Inner South Area Committee to discuss impact of Welfare Reforms

  Leeds City Council’s Inner South Area Committee is to meet next Wednesday (4th September 2013) and on its agenda is a detailed report on the impact of welfare reforms in the area. The government’s welfare reform programme has included the introduction of limits to Housing Benefit – the so-called

South of the River – Where have the banks gone?

Tomorrow, May the fourth, is Star Wars day. I was going to write about it, but I notice that rather like the planet Alderaan, our banks are disappearing.  Any similarity between Darth Vader and bank bosses is purely coincidental. South Leeds Life carried the story last week that Yorkshire Bank

South of the River – Unintended Consequences

How on earth could Iain Duncan Smith and William Hill be good for South Leeds? If they are, it’s all about unintended consequences. I’ve talked previously about the havoc that the government’s welfare “reforms” will bring to South Leeds. Someone else has commented that calling them “reforms” is like saying