Leeds City Council’s Inner South Area Committee is to meet next Wednesday (4th September 2013) and on its agenda is a detailed report on the impact of welfare reforms in the area.
The government’s welfare reform programme has included the introduction of limits to Housing Benefit – the so-called Bedroom Tax, reductions to Council Tax Benefit, an overall benefit cap and the much delayed introduction of the Universal Credit single benefit. Councillors have been provided with a report which details the impact of these changes across the city and the actions taken by social landlords (Aire Valley Homes, BITMO and Leeds Federated Housing Association).
The report also discusses the growth in ‘high cost credit providers’ – payday loans, pawnshops, etc and work on digital inclusion, which will become ever more important as Universal Credit will only be available online.
The report is part of the full papers for the meeting and available on the Leeds City Council website here.
The Inner South Area Committee meeting takes place on Wednesday 4th September at 6pm at Tenant Hall Enterprise Centre in Middleton. The meeting is open to the public and in addition to the published agenda there is an Open Forum where members of the public can raise any issue with the Councillors.