Summer Rugby Camp in Belle Isle
To book your child email:
To book your child email:
The Summer Reading Challenge ‘Animal Agents’ is launching across all Leeds Libraries from Saturday (15 July 2017). This year it is super exciting as you will be going undercover! Can you help the animal agents solve the clues and crack the codes? This band of furry, slippery and feathered friends
Special Needs And Parent Support (SNAPS) opened their second site at Broomfield SILC school last weekend (13 May 2017). The charity now in its 14th year provides specialist therapies to children with additional needs and much-needed support for their families and this is the first time the charity has expanded
SNAPS (Special Needs and Parent Support) is a wonderful Leeds charity that works with children with disabilities and their families. We offer affordable Hydrotherapy and Rebound therapy sessions on Saturdays and access to group activities such as Boccia, music therapy, dance, story telling and free play in a safe environment.
It is a family tradition of ours to never knowingly tell the truth to a youngster if there is a chance of getting away with inventing a preposterous lie. I was thinking about this yesterday when I was waiting for the bus with my daughter. It was overdue and I
A group of grandparents who look after their grandchildren have formed a self help group with support from Middleton-based charity Health For All. Stepping in to take care of young children can have a profound effect on your life. Having raised your own children and seen them grow up, to
Recent figures published by End Child Poverty have highlighted the problem of rising inequality in our community. Leeds Central is the 7th worst constituency in the country for child poverty, with 11,520 of our children estimated to be living below the poverty line. Greater demand for foodbanks in recent years
The White Rose Shopping Centre in association with Heart Yorkshire are encouraging shoppers to buy a gift for a deserving child this Christmas. From Monday 21 November until Sunday 18 December, the Heart Angels will be trading their halos for elf hats and managing the collection of shoppers’ gifts for
Junior ‘parkrun’ – a new weekly running event for kids and young people – launched in style last Sunday (13 November 2016) in Beeston’s Cross Flatts Park. A mighty 57 youngsters took part in an event that organisers described as ‘amazing’ and ‘magical’. The free 2km event will now take
The chances are that, if you’re a parent, you are reading this in the first bit of relative peace you’ve had for weeks. The children have gone back to school. Let’s repeat that. The children have gone back to school and our homes are our own once more. To quote