Residents are being consulted on proposed changes to Dewsbury Road which would see an outbound bus lane between Garnet Road and the Tommy Wass as well as a cycle route between Tommy Wass and the White Rose Shopping Centre.
The plans are part of joint scheme between Leeds and Kirklees Councils to upgrade the route between Mirfield, Dewsbury and Leeds. The £12 million scheme includes new cycle tracks, new pedestrian crossings and footway improvements, bus lanes and bus super-stops (upgraded bus stops), junction upgrades, and other highway space adjustments.
Section F of the project covers White Rose to Dewsbury Road. Plans include a new cycle route running from the White Rose roundabout, up Dewsbury Road to the Tommy Wass junction with Old Lane and the Ring Road. One way cycle paths, on each side of the road, would utilise existing footpath a verge areas. The cycle path will be 2.2m wide whilst maintain footpaths for pedestrians. The cycle route would link to the planned two way cycle path on Dewsbury Road creating a safe route from the city centre to the White Rose Shopping Centre.
Some crossings will be moved and upgraded and it appears from the plans that a refuge will be removed, allowing a longer queue of right turning traffic heading to Middleton from the White Rose.
An outbound bus lane is also proposed starting after the Garnet Road junction. This would use the inside lane, restricting other traffic to one lane. The bus lane would end before the Allenby Road junction on the approach to the Tommy Wass junction.
Beyond the White Rose it is proposed the widen and upgrade the footpath up to the M62 for both pedestrians and cyclists (section E).
Cllr Denise Jeffery, Chair of the West Yorkshire Combined Authority’s Investment Committee and Leader of Wakefield Council, said:
“These important schemes will provide vital missing links in cycling and walking infrastructure, as well as improving public transport links.
“Encouraging increasing numbers of us to consider travelling by bike and on foot is more important than ever, not only as we look to address the health, transport and economic challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic, but also in helping us achieve our aim of becoming a net zero carbon economy by 2038.”
Cllr Kim Groves, Chair of the West Yorkshire Combined Authority’s Transport Committee, said:
“Our Transforming Cities Fund will be building on the significant investment we’ve already made with a new programme of transformational infrastructure, helping to create a step change in travel across our region and dramatically improve access to cycling, walking and public transport.
“From connecting people across our region, to reducing air pollution and congestion, and combatting physical inactivity and obesity, we know increasing the numbers of people choosing to travel by bike or on foot has a vital role to play in making West Yorkshire a great place to live and work.”
These initial plans can be viewed by clicking here. The plans are open for comments until Friday 25 September 2020. Following consultation, the list of design options will be reviewed and shortlisted and work on the final scheme could start in early 2022.
You can download the plans for Section F here: SECTION F-1 (19 MB)
The council have already wasted a huge amount of money on the lower part of Dewsbury Road that is hardly used by cyclists. Instead it causes havoc for the other road users. The section near the One Stop Centre is used for parking by cars/taxis. Why waste more taxpayers money
I’m both a driver & a cyclist. I’m sometimes required to transport vulnerable adults & children in my day to day work. It’s really the only rationale I can see for owning a car. The rest of my family are not essential workers & walk, cycle & use public transport. Whenever I can I cycle to & from work – lockdown was wonderful for cyclists because it took cars off the road.
Frankly, the more cycle lanes the better. I’m not in favour though of them being shared spaces with pedestrians. This pénalisés the least powerful. Notwithstanding COVID-19 We need to prioritise pedestrians, cyclists & public transport. We need to make the car (&taxis) the least preferable option for travel.
The taxi’s should be removed. The whole idea is to have a full network of cycle paths. Then people can get around only using them. Making it feel safer for a new wave of people who want to cycle. After this development I’ll be able to cycle from Morley, into leeds on segregated infrastructure. Which means I’ll do it more often as it’ll be a pleasant way to get around. At some point, it will lead to a tipping point where there are then lots more people using it.
Totally agree.. The highways should be forced to make this cycle lance serviceable for cyclists BEFORE they are allowed to mess any more roads up. Cyclists don’t use this cycle lane on Dewsbury road and maybe it might be an idea to stop the ones using the road and ask them why. That way the same mistakes should not be made again.
I cycle, walk and drive (and even use busses and trains occasionally). During this pandemic I’ve been out on my bike more and it was so much better when there were fewer cars on the road, and when car drivers were driving more considerately. The cycle path a the bottom (city) end of Dewsbury Rd is very confusing and doesn’t work as well as it should. There is more space to have good cycle paths further up Dewsbury Road and that would be a help. In countries where they really take this seriously there is clear priority: pedestrians, then cyclists, and cars last. If done well it creates a better environment for all. If helping to be healthier comes out of this pandemic it will be at least one good thing.
On maps F5-F8, on the near side of the proposed outbound bus lane (marked in red), there are number of other odd red blocks on the existing footpath over the continuous green line of the proposed cycle path. What do these mean, surely not buses to be parked on the footpath? On a general point cyclists are already all over the footpath, so what will be done to keep them on thir designated green strip? Nothing as usual I expect and the usual chaos will ensue at bus stops!
I always thought they where highways and byways, but according to the plans its a “multi modal corridor” I think what they mean is another white elephant traffic scheme that will create chaos and be applauded as a great success, giving rise to more multi modals wasting yet more ratepayer money,which is very much in keeping with Leeds councils track record, who can forget £40 million in wasted consultation fees for a Leeds Superdupertram that never arrived. Cant they just concentrate on emptying bins and let the rest of us live our lives unhindered.