I go to our bowling green every week when it is on, but is not on now. It is closed for the winter, but we still meet every Friday inside Tenants Hall.
We are grateful that Rolly and Andy have helped us do the club house out by painting it. It is very nice of them to give up their time to help do this. It is very important that the club keeps going as some of them have been bowling for a long time.
It is nice to be back at our bowling green now the Tenants Hall has been rebuilt. It was very nice of the park to let us use their green until we could come back. They are they good and nice people and they come to play with us at the Tenants Hall every Friday afternoon from 1:00 until 3:00. It costs a pound and that is with your tea or coffee. It is nice to meet new faces although now it is closed for the winter.
We are getting some new players now, but we could do with some more young ones. It is good fun at the club and good for us to have this bowling green at this side of Middleton. I hope we can get some more young ones to came and play. It would be nice as it was for old ones once, but not now – they play from 8 and up. The kids are very good from our bowling club, they are very good and help you so much.
It is good to have something like this in Midddleton, as there is not much for anyone to do when you are older. It is nice to have the new Tenants Hall and be back playing here again. When winter is over I hope to be back playing next year.
This article was written by Carole McKnight using our Community Reporters website at www.communityreporters.sllife.leeds11.com