Hunslet Carr Residents Association has produced a booklet which details the 57 ex-pupils of Hunslet Carr School who died in the First World War and are remembered on the Roll of Honour plaque.
To coincide with the centenary of the poppy emblem this November, we asked for information regarding the names of the fallen on the Roll of Honour plaque earlier this year. We have now been able to produce a booklet giving information about each person named on the roll. We would like to thank everyone who passed on information.
Hunslet Carr Residents Association are holding a special Remembrance event on Saturday (13 November 2021) at 11am at ‘Welcome to Hunslet Carr’ wheel square for the 57 Hunslet Carr ex pupils who died in WW1.
Family members related to the 57 men are particularly welcome to join the event. This will be followed by refreshments at Woodhouse Hill Community Centre.
The books are for sale for £4.50 with the funds going to our HCRA projects improving the Hunslet Carr area. You can buy one at the Remembrance event or by emailing:
HCRA has also produced another of its popular Hunslet Remembered calendars for 2022 after an enforced year off last year due to Covid.
The calendars feature archive photos for each month of the year making it an excellent Christmas present as it includes some of the iconic Hunslet images.
The ‘Hunslet Remembered 2022’ calendar is available now for sale at £3 each at the following outlets, Dawes on Belle Isle Road, Hunslet Carr Vision Centre, The Prospect Pub & Hunslet Carr Social Club on Moor Road and Gold Trader at Morrisons Centre or by emailing:
This post was written by Andrew Price
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Hello. Is this memorial housed in the Methodist Church?
Well done for producing the Remembrance booklet.
It’s not easy to find out facts about people in the WW1. We know as we have tried to find out information about the many men and who fought in various wars and are buried in Holbeck Cemetery.
Eve ,Friends of Holbeck Cemetery