Hugh Gaitskell Primary rated ‘Good’ by Ofsted

Hugh Gaitskell Primary School in Beeston has been rated ‘Good’ in all areas in its latest Ofsted inspection published this week.

Ofsted grades schools on a four point scale from Outsanding, to Good, Requires Improvement and Inadequate. Primary Schools are graded across five categories:

  • The quality of education
  • Behaviour and attitudes
  • Personal development
  • Leadership and management
  • Early years provision

Five Ofsted Inspectors spent two days at the school just before the October half term. In their report they recognised that:

  • Hugh Gaitskell is a caring and friendly school and there is a strong sense of community;
  • Governors and school leaders provide strong leadership and have established a welcoming and inclusive learning environment;
  • Bullying in any form is not tolerated. Pupils understand that any kind of discrimination is wrong;
  • Pupils who have any worries get support from the school’s counsellors;
  • Pupils make a strong start to the school in the early years;
  • Teachers prioritise the development of children’s reading, communication and language skills;
  • Children learn with curiosity, energy and enthusiasm;
  • Teachers use a wide range of resources that help children to remember what they are being taught;
  • Pupils with SEND receive effective support from skilled adults. The SENCo creates detailed support plans;
  • Pupils behave well. Classrooms are calm and orderly;
  • The arrangements for safeguarding are effective

Headteacher Mrs K McNulty commented:

“It is a reflection of the time and support given by the staff, pupils, parents, governors and our business partner DePuy Synthes. We have all worked extremely hard over the past few years and the journey has been an extremely rewarding one. Ofsted’s recognition of this achievement through a good judgement is a positive validation of all our efforts. We have high-expectations and are now well on our way to fulfilling our ambition to be an ‘Outstanding’ learning community.”

To read the full report click here