Diary date: Your chance to see medieval Stank Hall Barn

Stank Hall Barn 3Fancy seeing inside a medieval barn in South Leeds and learn a little about its history and the work to preserve it? Just a reminder that the Friends of Stank Hall Barn’s July event is less than a couple of weeks away.

The Stank Hall Barn Revealed event is on Sunday 14th July, 11am – 2pm. There will be three guided tours of the historic  site at 11am, 12pm and 1pm. This includes the opportunity to see inside the barn. It is also a great opportunity to share views on the future use of the site, which has fallen into neglect, and meet other members of the group.

For more details e-mail friendsofstankhallbarn@gmail.com, or telephone 0113 216 0245. Follow the link for the poster: SHB Revealed July 13.

Members of the city council’s Joint Plans Panel were recently asked to note the work being done to reduce the number of buildings at risk. Securing the future of Stank Hall Barn is one of the council’s top priorities over the coming year. Temple Mill in Holbeck are also on the ‘buidings at risk’ list.

A ‘building at risk’ is a listed building at risk from neglect and decay rather than alteration.

2 Replies to “Diary date: Your chance to see medieval Stank Hall Barn”

  1. I am interested in the open day of Stank Hall Barn is it for restoration of New Hall as well as I used to live there?

    1. The Friends of Stank Hall Barn group are keen to see the whole site restored. The Barn, Stank Hall and New Hall. We would like to see people living on site again as this is the best form of security. There are also ideas to create a communal garden that local people can get involved with and enjoy. Part of the open day is to get ideas for what people would like to see happen on the site. They might not all be possible, but we want as many ideas as possible and we want to hear peoples views.

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