Consultation launched on vehicle nuisance and dangerous driving

Residents are being asked for their views on a proposed Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) aimed at prohibiting dangerous driving and vehicle nuisance in public areas and communities across Leeds.

The PSPO, which covers the whole of the Leeds area, will prohibit vehicle owners from revving car engines unnecessarily, playing music too loudly or beeping their horn without a reason.

It will aim to stop inconsiderate parking, littering from a vehicle, and the use of intimidating language or behaviour when behind the wheel.

As part of the PSPO, people will also be prohibited from engaging in, promoting, encouraging or assisting in activities which are likely to cause nuisance or a danger to the public, which includes things like ‘car cruising’ events. This also includes being involved in any online organisation of said events.

The proposed PSPO comes off the back of a survey which was carried out by the West Yorkshire Combined Authority which found that most respondents identified road safety, dangerous driving and speeding as a problem in their local area. This caused feelings of unease and made residents and road users feel unsafe.

You can have your say on the proposed PSPO before midnight on Friday 12 August 2022 by visiting

Councillor Debra Coupar, Leeds City Council’s executive member for resources with responsibility for Safer Leeds, said:

“Tackling vehicle related nuisance is a key priority for us as we recognise the impact it has on people’s lives and so, working in partnership with the Police, we are seeking to address it with this new measure.  Everyone has the right to feel safe in their community and so I would encourage people to respond to the consultation so that we can combat this anti-social behaviour and improve people’s lives.”

Superintendent Dan Wood, Partnerships Lead for Leeds District Police, said:

“We recognise the impact that anti-social vehicle use and dangerous driving can have on communities and work closely with partners in Leeds District to make our roads safer.

“Having a Public Space Protection Order will give us additional powers to take action against those who cause concerns in our neighbourhoods by using vehicles in an inconsiderate or reckless way.”

If you need to speak to someone about this survey then please email or telephone (0113) 222 4402.


This post is based on a press release issued by Leeds City Council