The campaign to stop Royal Mail closing its mail delivery office in Holbeck has been boosted by a speech in parliament and will see supporters gather in Cross Flatts Park on Sunday (22 October 2017).

As previously reported on South Leeds Life, Royal Mail plans to close the office on New Princess Street and move operations to the Leeds City Mail Processing Unit (MPU) on an industrial estate off Wellington Bridge near the Armley Gyratory, behind the Harley-Davidson dealership.
Royal Mail, which was privatised in 2013, says there would be no impact on deliveries in the area. But postal workers point out the many people visit the office to collect parcels and other items. The Leeds City site is only accessible by car via the notoriously busy Armley Gyratory system; and almost impossible by bus or on foot.
Speaking in Parliament Hilary Benn MP (Leeds Central) said:
“As usual, it’s justified by improved “efficiency” – I sometimes wish organisations could just say that it’s about saving money – but the wording that really caught my eye was when Royal Mail claimed that the closure would “improve facilities for our customers in the LS11 postcode area”. I’m afraid that’s going to provoke a bit of a hollow laugh on the part of local people who can currently go to New Princess Street to pick up a parcel, but in future will have to travel much further away.
“Come on Royal Mail – think again”
Local Communications Workers Union (CWU) Branch Secretary Andy Lee said:
“On Sunday 22 October at 3pm local posties wearing their Royal Mail coats will be stood behind a banner with friends, family and members of the Leeds 11 public stood behind them, demonstrating their opposition to the closure.
“If you want to see Holbeck DLO stay open please come and join us in Cross Flatts Park, Beeston.”
The CWU and Labour Party have been collecting signatures on a petition; you can sign the petition online here: www.change.org/p/andy-lee-save-holbeck-postal-delivery-office
Thanks Jeremy for producing this article..your support and work in helping to publicize our office is much appreciated mate