C.B.F.T. launch Holbeck Feast Dementia Cafe


The Ciaran Bingham Foundation Trust (CBFT) is launching a new venture at the end of the month.

Dementia Cafe Poster - Holbeck FeastThe first Holbeck Feast Dementia Café will take place on Saturday 31st August from 9:15am. Councillor Adam Ogilvie will be in attendance to formerly open the cafe and Peter Smith from the Tea Cosy Cafe in Rothwell will be on hand to offer advice and support.

Organiser Andrea Edwards from CBFT said:

“Anyone personally affected by dementia or caring for someone who is often find themselves becoming socially isolated. Dementia cafes aim to address this problem by providing an informal, friendly, social environment. People with dementia and their carer can meet with others in a similar situation to themselves to relax, chat and share their concerns if they wish to.”

Holbeck Feast was a huge funfair that people from all over Leeds came to. Hopefully the name will ring bells with some of the older residents in the local community who we hope will benefit from attending the café.

The first cafe will be on Saturday 31st August at St Matthew’s Community Centre in Holbeck from 9.15am onwards. A full English breakfast is included in the entrance price of £2.00.

If the trial is a success CBFT plan to host the cafe on the last Saturday of each month going forward at the base in Holbeck.

One Reply to “C.B.F.T. launch Holbeck Feast Dementia Cafe”

  1. Good luck with Holbeck Feast.When Tea Cosy Memory Cafe Rothwell opened in October 2011 we had 9 people attending,we now have an average of 80 to 100 per month,and I hope Holbeck Feast gains the same support.Those affected by dementia,and famiiy and carers,need the support of local communties,and having previously lived in Holbeck for over 40 years,I always remember the community spirit.

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