Councillors agreed to the recommendations of planning officers and gave Asda planning permission for their store on Old Lane, Beeston this afternoon.
The Council’s Plans Panel (South and West) also agreed with officers in rejecting Tesco permission to build a store next door to Asda on the former jam factory site.
Asda have been given six months to resolve the remaining planning issues including a Section 106 Agreement. This will cover works to the highway, including improvements to the roundabout at the junction of Old Lane and Town Street; employment of local people in the building and operational phases; and a fixed timescale for completion of the development.
The spokesperson for Asda also promised that the wotrk would commence on their Middleton store on 5th August and they expect the store to open on 14th May 2014. He said there had been issues with drainage, land ownership and highway works which had delayed them. He added that the Old Lane site would be very much easier to develop.
Wrong decision. Tesco or both would’ve been better.
Bah, guess we will have to wait and see if they live up to their promises. Though nice to see the council are promoting fair competition with the second ASDA in such a small area.
I just hope that something is done with the wasteland that Tesco would have developed…
When is there going to be a Tesco in the area instead of Asda taking over everywhere. I do not wish to support an American Supermarket.
Be interesting to see what happens to that site now Tesco have been refused permission – they actually OWN that wasteland. I feel a little sorry for them. I have a sneaking suspicion Asda only put this plan in to spoil Tesco’s application.
Hope we don’t have to wait as long as they have in Miggy – good to see the council put conditions in to speed up the process.
I’d be surprised if Tesco don’t appeal against this decision, so i doubt it’s over yet.
Would have been nice to see Asda in Beeston & Tesco in Middleton. Or vice versa.
I think it is brilliant that Asda as been granted planning permission.
They are a great company.
I have shopped in Tesco Extra and found them to be a bit bullish when treating customers.
Their food is not as good as Asda for price.
Well done again to Asda.
Its now the 23rd June 2013 and there’s no sign of work on the Asda store at Middleton.
Great news as far as I’m concerned as that means no increased traffic on our local roads. That means less pollution and less noise.
TBH, I’d much rather see refurbishment of the Middleton Shopping Centre to include proper repairs to the car park, improved lighting and less litter (quicker bin emptying would help).
Tesco food is nasty, especially the meat, and the Asda plan is much better – Beeston is crying out for a 24 hour supermarket, we already have a mid sized tesco on dewsbury road if their overpriced food is more to your taste. As for Asda being American owned now, come on what kind of a reason to oppose the proposal ?? Nothing but backwards prejudice, but hey if thats what matters to you – not the products, prices, opening hours, and jobs created in the area ….. some people!
Well work has started on Asda at Middleton. The ground has been cleared.
By the way, no work has started on the Aldi store which is to be built where the Middleton Arms was.