Sadly, one of the post box toppers made for Beeston In Bloom has disappeared from the box outside Old Lane Post Office, but investigators have identified that it was removed by a group of children.
The topper, representing Autumn, is one of four made by the knitting and crochet group at Beeston Community Hub. A lot of time went into making it and the group want to see it restored to its rightful position.
In a statement on Facebook, Susan Murray from the group said:
“We now know this topper was taken by a group of children aged about 10/11 years old. It was a childish prank rather than a malicious act. The children won’t realise the amount of work and love that went into creating the topper. The CCTV image of the children is very clear. If you have a child/grandchild around this age please will you see if they have hidden the topper somewhere. Please just leave it outside the post office on Old Lane no questions asked.”
Such a shame this topper was taken,a topper was removed from another post box-not in Leeds- hope it will be returned soon