Month: April 2016

South Leeds Roundup: Mermaids, mining and a million pounds

Here’s your regular roundup of what’s making South Leeds tick on other websites, blogs and across Facebook and Twitter. We start this week with the Leeds Waterfront Festival, which takes places at various sites along the River Aire on the weekend of 25/26 June. Now you’ve heard of flash mobs,

Police Operation Champion in Beeston

West Yorkshire Police – Leeds Inner South. On Monday (11 April 2016) officers took part in Operation Champion, a pro-active operation targeting vehicles that are deemed unfit for use on the road and vehicles that are benefitting from using illegal fuel. This was a joint operation with local officers working

A day that could change your life

As part of his role as Business Connector for South Leeds, Malcolm Hall has put together a project which aims to demystify self-employment, inspire confidence that anything is possible, and provide guidance and support to stimulate business start-ups in South Leeds. With the help of Leeds Beckett University, Hammerson Plc,

Technology is becoming an extension of ourselves in Holbeck

Hidden from view near the M621 Not many locals know or frequent the Holbeck Community Centre on Elland Road, unlike its grand neighbour Leeds United Football Club, the community centre sits on the edge of the motorway sandwiched between the old terraced housing. This modest community building provides a home