Month: March 2015

Parkrun’s second Birthday is NOT Rubbish!

Cross Flatts Parkrun celebrated its second anniversary on Saturday (28 March 2015). The plan had been for a number of gazebos to be erected to host the post run€ celebrations. Unfortunately, the exaggerated weather reports of a tornado heading towards Beeston meant the tents didn’€™t make it out of Ed

Community meets to tackle isolation and build a friendly society

Residents, councillors and local community workers this week gathered for the latest Community Committee workshop and meeting, at Middleton Leisure Centre. The opening session saw participants explore and discuss the issues of social isolation, mental health, and ‘social prescribing’ – a major new NHS priority, whereby patients are encouraged by

Middleton Park: Have your say on the future

South Leeds residents can have their say over the future development of Middleton Park. Following the recent investment of £2 million by the Heritage Lottery Fund the park has undergone a significant amount of change and development in recent years. Last year the decision was taken to close the Leeds