Council launch online bin collection calendar tool

Leeds residents can now download a calendar of bin collections using a new online tool.

BinsThe tool, now live at, allows residents to enter their postcode to check the dates of all their bin day collections and print off a handy three-month calendar.

The ‘check your bin day’ service on the council’s website is already popular, currently receiving around 40,000 hits a month. With a wealth of information on what can be recycled or re-used and where, handy tips on food waste and details on bin collections, the easy-to-use calendar is a useful addition to the site.

The bin collection calendar tool replaces costly bin calendar mail-outs for routine bin collection reminders. Residents will continue to notified by letter if changes are made to their collection days.

Councillor Mark Dobson, executive member for cleaner, stronger and safer communities, said:

“Many residents are already checking their bin collection dates online, and I’d encourage everybody to use this simple tool to view and print-off their bin collection calendars.

“Funding, that would have been spend on routine postage can now contribute to the cost of delivering other vital council services.”

The online tool extends the information already available on the Leeds City Council website, showing collection dates for black, green and brown bins over a three-monthly period.