A long time ago, on a railway not far way …
Middleton Railway are now preparing to host their fourth Star Rails cosplay weekend on Saturday and Sunday (19 & 20 October 2019).
The Engine House Museum at Moor Road will be awash with Ewoks and Stormtroopers; Light Sabres will be in action and a Land Speeder will be available for inspection.
The event runs from 10am-4pm each day. Entry including train rides is £8 Adults; £3 children with a family ticket for £20 (2
adults and 3 children). Free entry for children in costume.
Looking ahead, the railway will finish its regular weekend opening on Sunday 27 October. It will be open on Wednesday 30 October for the half term school holiday with Kids For A Quid and then spend November preparing for the Santa Specials which start on Saturday 30 November and run through to Christmas Eve. Tickets are now on sale for Santa Specials, for full details go to: middletonrailway.org.uk/index.php/santa-2019