Tag: trustees

Cockburn MAT is looking for committed people to join as Governors and Trustees

Cockburn Multi-academy Trust is made up of three secondary schools, one primary school and one infant school in our community. At present there are Cockburn School, Cockburn John Charles Academy, Middleton Primary School, Cockburn Haigh Road Academy and the new free school Cockburn Laurence Calvert Academy which opened in September

Asha project appeals for new trustees

We’ve received the following appeal for new trustees for the Asha Neighbourhood Project in Stratford Street, Beeston. Asha is a local community organisation established in 1985 to work with South Asian women and children in South Leeds, aiming to increase confidence levels and improve life chances through providing opportunities to access

Hamara seeks new trustees in community

Community organisation Hamara Healthy Living Centre, on Tempest Road, Beeston Hill, is inviting members of the community to join its voluntary board of trustees. The trustees help run the organisation, which provides many activities across the city, particularly for ethnic minorities. See below for more information:   [scribd id=96423879 key=key-1j8g2hyipw7ifn8ecb67