Tag: Reetwirlers Majorettes

Voting starts for St Luke’s CARES Community Awards

Voting has started today (5 April 2018) to decide which of the five shortlisted projects will receive grants of as part of the St Luke’s CARES Community Awards. Since January we have been publicising the work of 23 great local projects helping South Leeds people in so many ways. An

Community Awards shortlist announced

An independent panel met this week to come up with a shortlist of just five projects out of the 23 that applied for the St Luke’s CARES Community Awards. In no particular order, the shortlisted projects are: Leeds Dads Walk & Talk Group Reetwirlers Majorettes Streetwise-Love Leeds Beeston in Bloom

Final week for Community Award entries

The deadline is looming fast for the St Luke’s CARES Community Awards. Entries must be submitted by 5pm on Wednesday 28 February 2018. We’ve already had some fantastic entries, but it’s not too late to submit your article and win some essential cash for your community group. A community panel