Tag: news cafe

What’s happening at BITMOs GATE in February 2016

What’s Happening At BITMOs GATE In February 2016. Each month we have a range of activities, events and courses available for free at BITMOs GATE, which is the new resource centre next to Belle Isle TMO’s housing office on Belle Isle Road. Here are some of the things happening in

South Leeds Life group meeting

The next meeting of the South Leeds Life Group will be held  on Wednesday. You may recall the group was founded last month to build on nthe success the blog’s had over the past 18 months or so. Anyone living in South Leeds is more than welcome to come to our meetings

New South Leeds community news and social media cafe dates

An early heads up! Come and meet the folks behind South Leeds Life blog at our regular community news cafes! The cafes are your chance to tell your stories, let us know what’s going on and – if you’re interested – we can help support you to write your own