Tag: fa

Middleton Park FC supports transgender player

  A South Leeds sports club has found itself on the frontline of fighting for trans-gender rights. The Sun carried the story today (9 December 2013) that Aeris Houlihan has been barred by the FA from playing in Sunday League matches for Middleton Park FC. Aeris was born male, but

Hunslet Club Receives FA Charter Standard Club Of The Year Award

The Hunslet Club was pleased recently to receive the West Riding FA Charter Standard Club of the Year Award 2013, presented by Bradford City FC legend Ian Ormonroyd at the Valley Parade Ground as representatives of our club were special guests at the Bradford Vs Brighton game. Back in May the

Informal “Turn Up & Play” football sessions for adults at the Hunslet Club

  The Hunslet Club, The FA and Mars, The FA’s Adult Football Partner, have made it as easy as a ‘one-two’ to turn up and start playing the football that best suits you: whether it’s a good old-fashioned kickabout or the more competitive game, like 5 or 11 a side