South Leeds primary schools are starting to blog

It’s great to see schools joining the “blogosphere” and using other social media. Hunslet St Mary’s Primary School (the one with he wind turbine across from Morrisons) have been blogging since September and have also joined Twitter – @HunsletStMarys.

Now the School Council at New Bewerley Community School have joined in, starting their own blog last month. Whilst moderated by adults, the blog itself is largely written by the children themselves. New Bewerley’s School Council is held in high regard by the school’s pupils and staff. Each year group is represented and elections are hotly contested. As a school governor I have been invited to meetings each year for the last three years – the children explain how they organise their business and tell us what they would like to see changed in school. The governors also receive an end of year report from the School Council at our July meeting.

Do you know any other school blogs that we could feature? Get in touch by leaving a comment or emailing us at