South Leeds Links: Middleton travellers, Hunslet clean-up and Leeds United at the Hub

Here’s your weekly round-up of what’s making south Leeds tick on other websites and blogs:

Don’t forget there’s the big Hunslet clean-up on Saturday! Local residents are being urged to take part. Aire Valley Homes have posted maps where skips will be placed in the area over on their Facebook page.

Plans for a third injunction to prevent travellers setting up unauthorised camps on land in Middleton  have been shelved, reports the YEP.

In case you missed it, check out the September schedule at The Hunslet Club. An incredible 75 sessions are listed.

Over on Facebook…

If you’re super-quick you can catch a Cottingley In Bloom meeting at Cottingley Towers.  It started at 1.30pm… Cottingley TRAC, meanwhile, are plannign a trip to Blackpool.

Friends of Middleton Park are asking people to let them know what they enjoyed most about Sunday’s Show.

The Leeds United Foundation Football will be back at the South Leeds Youth Hub  on Monday the 17th September!!

One Reply to “South Leeds Links: Middleton travellers, Hunslet clean-up and Leeds United at the Hub”

  1. Regarding Middleton Travellers. They don’t ‘respect’ the land they stay on, and these sites are mostly illegal for them to stay on anyway. Why can’t they appreciate what they have !!!. Why make more sites available for them on Council Housing Estates ?

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