Residents’ meetings go online

Physical meetings may have become impossible since the lockdown started, but Hunslet & Riverside Councillors have decided to go online and set up three virtual residents’ meetings.

This is an opportunity for local residents and businesses to:

  • raise issues,
  • discuss and develop projects,
  • have conversations with your ward councillors, police and council services.

The meetings will be held on Zoom which is a free app that you can download for your laptop, tablet or phone.

Beeston Hill

Open to people who live or work within the local area of the Beverleys, Clovellys, Flaxtons, Garnets, Greenmounts, Hardys, Harlechs, Lady Pit Lane, Lindens, Lodges, Mauds, Oakleys, Rington Road, Rowlands, Seftons, Stratfords, Sunbeams, Tempest Road, Trentham, Wickham Street and the Westbournes

Tuesday 30 June 2020  |  6:30-8pm

To join the meeting go to:

Hunslet Moor

Open to people who live or work within the local area of Admiral Street, Burtons, Crescent Towers, Crescent Grange, Cockburns, Dobsons, Dewsbury Road, Envoy Street, Fairfords, Longroyds, Moor Crescent Chase, Moor Crescent, Maltings, Poulton Place, Primrose Lane, St Peter’s Court, Garnets, Oakleys, Rawson Terrace, Tunstall Road and surrounding areas.

Tuesday 14 July 2020  |  6:30-8pm

To join the meeting go to:

Hunslet Green & Whitfields

Tuesday 21 July 2020  |  6:30-8pm

To join the meeting go to: