Planning applications 4 June 2018

Each week we publish lists of planning applications related to LS10 and LS11 published on on the Leeds City Council website.

The following applications were validated in the week beginning 4 June 2018:



Three illuminated signs 

Pentair, Victoria Road Holbeck Leeds LS11 5EB

Ref. No: 18/03275/ADV | Status: Current

Change of use of part ground floor to form one retail unit (A1) and one cafe unit (A3); external alterations to ground floor; installation of generator to basement with external flue to ground floor and minor flood defence works to car park entrance 

The Mint Ingram Street Holbeck Leeds

Ref. No: 18/03245/FU | Status: Current

Variation of condition 1 (approved plans) of previously approved application 17/02909/FU to re-site the position of the external recycled commodities storage area in the front of Building B 

AWM Units A1 To A4 And B1 To B2 Valley Farm Road Stourton Leeds LS10 1SD

Ref. No: 18/03169/FU | Status: Current

Change of use from existing commercial office and adjacent storage premises (Use class B1/B8) to form additional teaching spaces and workshops (Use Class D1) with external parking areas and ramped links between the two premises 

Somerville House Leathley Road Hunslet Leeds LS10 1BG

Ref. No: 18/03076/FU | Status: Current

Single storey side/rear extension

31 Nesfield Road Belle Isle Leeds LS10 3LG

Ref. No: 18/02820/FU | Status: Current