Planning applications 14 March 2016

Each week we publish lists of planning applications related to LS10 and LS11 published on on the Leeds City Council website.

The following applications were validated in the week beginning 14 March 2016:


Single storey extension to form one retail unit (use class A1) and one retail unit (use class A1/A3/A5)

134 Beeston Road Beeston Leeds LS11 8BB

Ref. No: 16/01521/FU | Status: Pending Consideration


Change of use of existing basement to form self contained flat, external alterations including provision of access stair and lightwell

132 Grovehall Drive Beeston Leeds LS11 7ET

Ref. No: 16/01488/FU | Status: Pending Consideration


Various works (see attached report)

Land Off Moorville Road Moorville Road Hunslet Hall Road Beeston Leeds LS11 6TT

Ref. No: 16/01578/TR | Status: Pending Consideration


Two storey and single storey side extension

7 Lanshaw Crescent Belle Isle LS10 3NN

Ref. No: 16/01604/FU | Status: Pending Consideration


Two storey side extension

8 Aberfield Close Belle Isle Leeds LS10 3QB

Ref. No: 16/01491/FU | Status: Pending Consideration


Single storey rear extension

10 North Lingwell Road Middleton LS10 3SR

Ref. No: 16/01421/FU | Status: Pending Consideration


Conversion and single storey extension with parapet wall and new pitched roof to existing garage to form ancillary residential accommodation

78 Middleton Park Road Middleton Leeds LS10 3SA

Ref. No: 16/01377/FU | Status: Pending Consideration