Each week we publish lists of planning applications related to LS10 and LS11 published on on the Leeds City Council website.
Please note that due to the Coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak Leeds City Council is not accepting written representations made by post. Please make any comments online and address them to the planning officer.
The following applications were validated in the week beginning Monday 1 November 2021:
Allied Glass Containers Ltd South Accommodation Road Hunslet Leeds LS10 1NQ
Retrospective application for alterations to increase the height of an existing outbuilding
15 Newhall Crescent Middleton Leeds LS10 3QY
Ref. No: 21/06822/FU | Status: Current
Single storey side/rear extension
4 Parkwood Road Beeston Leeds LS11 5QY
Change of use of second floor warehouse space “the loft” to community and youth hub
Clyde Works Ingram Road Holbeck Leeds LS11 9RQ
How do I stop the “Kings arms” proposal, bloody terrible idea, when do the local residents get a say?.
Hi Liz, you can comment on the planning application until Friday 19th November. Follow this link to the application https://publicaccess.leeds.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?keyVal=R08GR4JBMFN00&activeTab=summary and click on ‘Comments’ to register your views.