As South Leeds Life reported in April, discussions are progressing for The South Leeds Academy to move from the Delta Academies Trust to the Cockburn Multi Academy Trust.

Photo: Stephen Taylor
The school will be known as the Cockburn John Charles Academy and adopt a similar uniform to Cockburn, with a crested navy jumper being given free to all families.
The formal decision by the Department of Education has been delayed by the election, but both parties expect the move to be agreed and plans are in place for the changes to take effect in time for the start of term in September 2017.
Parents received a letter this week informing them of the changes. In it, outgoing Principal Graham Moffatt said:
“Given Cockburn School’s track record of excellent results they have secured for young people in the local community, both Delta CEO, Mr Paul Tarn and Mr Gurney, CEO of Cockburn MAT believe that this is the right solution and will have a positive impact on your child’s education and future potential. The model clearly works and we want all students in our community to benefit through these successful, tried and tested approaches.”
An information evening for parents takes place tomorrow (28 June 2017) at 6pm.
Read the full letter here:
I feel i must question the track record of excellent results by Cockburn Academy ?
In 2007 Mr. Richardson was the Headteacher he achieved 50% of his children received 5 A – C G.C.S.E exams including English/Maths.
Mr. Gurney started his vision of Transformation to Excellence in 2008.In 2016 he achieved 57% of his children received 5 A-C G.C.S.E exams including English/Maths.
This mean’s that his progress is lest than 1% per year.
PLease comment
Please feel free to question the record, but do bear in mind that Cockburn nationally is among the top two percent of most improved schools. That means that it is outperforming practically every other school in Leeds – and the rest of the country.
Also, your figures are no longer relevant as you don’t appear to have taken into account the new measures for success, nor the fact that Cockburn is so oversubscribed that it is difficult to get in to the school. That would seem to put the lie, yet again. to your outdated argument.
Please I want to know where to get the new uniform for John Charles Cockburn Academy
Hi Edith, I suggest you contact the school. Their phone number is 0113 212 7147.
Thank you!