After 12 years, the Cottingley Hall TRAC group has welcomed a new faces at the helm.
The new chair is Robyn Holland, the vice chair is Vikki Hayes Blake, secretary is Christine Twinkle and treasurer Adele Bosworth. Robyn takes over from outgoing chair of 12 years Neil Whiting. Treasurer had been Neil’s wife Sylvia and the vice chair had been Jan.
The meeting gave Neil and the other outgoing committee members a round of applause for their hard work. Neil said:
“We will still be in the background but taking a breather after all this time.I’ll still be doing my walkabouts around the estate. I hope everyone gives the new people the same level of support you’ve given to TRAC over the past 12 years.”
In other news from the meeting …
- A campaign to reduce the speed limit outside Cottingley Primary School on Dulverton Road from 30mph to 10mph was announced. A petition is circulating around Cottingley and is available to sign at the school. Resident Adele Bosworth told South Leeds Life said there were problems with speeding cars coming down the street which put pupils’ safety at risk. Adele will be shortly be writing a guest post on the campaign for this blog.
- Police appealed for information after Cottingley Community Centre had two laptop computers stolen. The new theft followed a similar incident in January which saw computers stolen from the Homework Club for youngsters. The centre has received security advice from the police.
- Highways issues were also raised, with residents discussing new double yellow lines around the estate and the need for dropped kerbs on certain pavements.
- A benefits and energy awareness advice session will be held in Cottingley Towers from 2-6pm this afternoon.
- A summer fair will be held at Cottingley Primary School on Saturday, May 19. Stall bookings are being taken.
- Issues with rubbish and litter throughout Cottingley were raised.
- And, in seperate Cottingley-related news, Health For All will be holding a health information and advice table in Cottingley Towers, with the theme of exercise and education. It runs next Wednesday, 1-3pm.