Middleton Elderly Aid in partnership with 100% Digital have opened a Digital Health Hub for the over 60s in Middleton. The Hub has a focus on health, but not exclusively so. Service Users can attend the hub to develop their digital skills in any area that they choose.

There is currently a tablet lending scheme running, whereby a computer tablet can be loaned for a trial period with a view to purchasing the equipment at cost price.
The Neighbourhood Network also runs a Computer Class every Thursday between 1–2:30pm. Equipment is available to use on site. One to one digital support can also be accessed. So if you need help with online prescriptions or you would like to know how to shop online Middleton Elderly Aid can help.
A Games/Activities afternoon will take place at Middleton Elderly Aid Social Centre, Acre Road, LS10 4LF on 20 January 2022 between 1.30-3.30pm. Feel free to drop in. Refreshments will be provided.