Memorial to WW1 airfield unveiled in Middleton

Councillors unveiled a memorial stone yesterday (8 December 2018) remembering the service personnel who served at the Middleton airfield during the First World War from 1916-18.

Fr Any Myers, Martin Bartholomew (poppy Appeal),Cllrs Kim Groves, Judith Blake & Paul Truswell with a standard bearer from the Royal British Legion

The granite plaque was donated by the Airfields of Britain Conservation Trust and is dedicated “to all units and personnel based here.”

Father Andy Myers the Vicar of Middleton said:

“I’m a great believer in monuments, they’re so important to have in our community. They are physical memories of the past and this is such a wonderful and honourable memorial.

“Memorials look two ways. They look to the past and we honour those who served and died, but they look to the future as well so we won’t let these things happen to our children, our young people, our working people and have no truck with war in the future.”

Councillor Kim Groves (Middleton Park ward) added:

“During the First World War we would have brave armed services flying over Middleton and they made such a sacrifice for all of us that as Councillors, we felt it was really important to get this plaque for Middleton.

“We should also remember everyone serving in the armed services today, over Christmas and throughout the year.”

After the plaque was unveiled, Paul Hebden played The Last Post and two minute’s silence was observed.

The plaque has been placed at Middleton Park Circus, although the site of the airfield was close to the Asda Supermarket. Unfortunately the exact site now lies under housing and it was decided to place the plaque at the circus, which is the focal point of Middleton.