Leeds Trolleybus drop-in sessions in Belle Isle

An artist's impression of the planned Leeds trolleybus in City Square
An artist’s impression of the planned Leeds trolleybus in City Square

Drop-in sessions for people in south Leeds wanting to find out more about the planned NGT trolleybus network take place on Wednesday 1st and Thursday 2nd May.

People can come along to discuss the project with the NGT team between 5:30pm and 7:30pm at St John & St Barnabas Church’s Belle Isle Family Centre on Wednesday 1 May and at West Grange Church on Thursday 2 May.

When HS2 Ltd announced, in January, that part of the high-speed rail link to Leeds city centre would be running on the same route as was planned for trolleybuses, it became necessary to consider an alternative for NGT. This would mean trolleybuses running through Belle Isle, along Belle Isle Road, via Belle Isle Circus roundabout and along Winrose Grove into the Park and Ride site. NGT Project Director Dave Haskins said:

“We have carried out quite a few of these drop-in events in the last six months or so and have been able to answer a wide range of people’s questions and concerns as well as correcting some of the myths that have been circulating about the scheme.

“This is a recent change to the route, the effects of which we are discussing with the Department for Transport, and we want to take the opportunity to go and discuss what it means with local people in the south Leeds area and to get their feedback on the proposals.”

People can find out more about the planned trolleybus network through the project website at www.ngtmetro.com which they can also use to send their feedback to the team. Comments can also be emailed to ngtinfo@wypte.gov.uk or posted to NGT, Wellington House, Leeds, LS1 2DE and latest updates can be found by following @ngttrolleybus on Twitter and ‘liking’ New Generation Transport on Facebook.

Looking further ahead more events are planned along the north Leeds section of the route in June and July ahead of the Transport Works Act Order (TWAO) submission in Summer/Autumn 2013.

The 14.6km Line One of the NGT network will run between south and north Leeds, via the city centre. It will pass the new Leeds Arena, Park Row, City Square and the Rail Station as it travels between a new 1,500-space Park & Ride next to junction 7 of the M621 at Stourton and an 800-space Park & Ride at Bodington.

Forecast to provide a £160m boost to local economy each year and helping create 4,000 permanent new jobs, NGT was recently described by a panel of independent transport experts as ‘innovative’ & ‘cutting edge’. At peak times there will be 10 services per hour providing reliable and fast journeys that are also clean thanks to trolleybuses’ zero emissions on route.

3 Replies to “Leeds Trolleybus drop-in sessions in Belle Isle”

  1. Think trolleybus won’t affect you? Get yourself along to this and see for yourself what a tramsmash the trolleybus is about to make of the area you live in.

  2. The trolley bus has now been re routed down my street, Winrose Grove.

    This street is full of old persons sheltered housing flats. Very narrow.
    Has any thought gone on to how cars will go down this street to the flats during &amp after the trolley bus starts running?

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