A community partnership for South Leeds has submitted a Community Led Local Development Strategy to Westminster in a bid to secure £1.5 million for projects to support employment.
If given the green light it would support projects in South Leeds which foster greater employment and enterprise in the area, especially for those furthest from the labour market. The partnership has included representatives of community organisations, local business interests and the Council.
The strategy, which focuses on supporting people who face significant problems when it comes to getting employment, including those with multiple disabilities and sex workers will help local people to engage with training, advice & guidance, employment and social enterprise. It would be implemented by a public-private-voluntary-community partnership, who will ensure the funding finds its way to the best placed projects and has the most impact.
If the bid is successful the partners intend to widen the partnership to allow more people to be involved in delivering the programme of expenditure which could bring more than £3million total investment to our poorest areas.
More news to follow in the New Year, and keep everything crossed!
This post was written by Jackson Turner using our Create an article for South Leeds Life page.