Holbeck residents’ phone line launched

Police have released a dedicated telephone number for residents to report breaches of the Managed Approach to sex work in Holbeck. The number is: 07534 309568.

The phone line was promised at a public meeting held at St Matthew’s Community Centre on 27 February, but has been delayed. Residents are urged to use it to report incidents of soliciting or kerb crawling in residential areas, or in the industrial area during working hours.

A spokesperson for Safer Leeds said:

“We apologise for the delay in providing this number. This has been due to technical difficulties and ensuring that we have the right process in place for dealing with these queries.

“The phoneline will operate from 7am to midnight seven days a week. Local Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) who are familiar with the area will deal with these queries taking the appropriate action. Over recent weeks we have seen an increase in enforcement action taken to reinforce the rules for the managed approach and it is hoped that this direct link to local officers will enable us to build on that work.

“Please ensure that your call only relates to street sex work (soliciting and kerb crawling) in residential areas, all other calls should be directed to the 101 service or 999 in an emergency situation.”

If you would like to report an environmental concern please either telephone Leeds City Council’s contact centre on (0113) 222 4406; or email: SSEAction@leeds.gov.uk please mark the subject ‘managed approach urgent referral’.

Sex work number residents


One Reply to “Holbeck residents’ phone line launched”

  1. Hold on a second: a dedicated telephone line for residents to call and report breaches of the ‘Managed Approach’? Surely it is the job of the Police to patrol the area? Poor form once again courtesy of Leeds City Council – they will be asking us to empty our own bins next.

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