Landlord Jack Collins has been in court again for the poor state of his Beeston properties. This time he will be £20,000 out of pocket after failing to protect the safety of his tenants in a house in multiple occupation (HMO) on Sefton Avenue.
Collins appeared at Leeds Magistrates Court on 3 May 2019, the prosecution was brought by Leeds City Council.
South Leeds Life reported how Collins, who lives at Woodlea Road in Yeadon, was fined a total of £14,000 for similar offences in February 2018 in relation to two other properties in the area.
Mr Collins, 69, said he was unhappy with the quality of work from contractors and felt he had to do the work himself, but had been suffering ill health. He added that he “only made £18,000 profit from this property.”
”Mr Collins, you own 10 properties, your business is in housing people. It’s apparent you are deficient in this role/business.”
Collins was found guilty of the following offences:
- Failure to provide information to occupiers
- Failure to ensure means of escape is kept clear
- Failure to maintain escape route in good order and repair
- Failure to maintain fire alarm system
- Failure to maintain gardens in safe and tidy condition
- Failure to maintain internal structure of living accommodation
- Failure to maintain fixtures and fittings in good order and repair
Collins was fined £17,500 and ordered to pay the prosecutions costs of £2,446.50 plus a victim surcharge of £170.
Sadly just another case of landlords who want to reap the rewards but dont want to put anything back to make their properties decent and safe for people to live in
I was one of Jack Collins tenants for over a year and the state of the flat I was in was a mess and in poor disrepair and he should not be allowed to trade and own property