Death in Middleton Park: a halloween walk

Middleton Park in South Leeds, famous for its magnificent semi-ancient woodlands, early coal mining mining and historic railway, has been the scene of many deaths in its long past. This Sunday (30 October 2022) the Friends of Middleton Park are presenting a guided halloween walk telling the tales of Death in the Park.

All human life is here, from despairing suicide in the park lake to cruel death by murder in Beeston Park woods; tragic accidents caused by carriage, railway and aeroplane; working conditions that often held life cheap and disease and hardship that brought the grim reaper early. A walk and tales for the season!

Meet: Sunday 30 October 1:30pm at Middleton Park Visitor Centre

Please wear sensible shoes as the paths can be wet and slippery, and be prepared for the weather. The walk will last about an hour and a half.


This post was written by Jim Jackson

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