Leeds City Council has launched a social media campaign offering support to encourage families affected by domestic abuse.
The campaign is led by Safer Leeds and encourages people who may be experiencing abuse to continue to seek help during this difficult time. The messaging reassures individuals that they can still access support via helplines, web chat and online information if they are unable to seek help face to face during social distancing measures.
It also asks friends, family and neighbours to be vigilant and look out for signs of abuse, make contact with people safely if they think they are at risk and to contact local helplines or the police for advice.
The campaign is running alongside a campaign by West Yorkshire Police who are promoting their silent call service. This allows people to make a 999 emergency call, then dial 55 if they’re unable to speak out loud. The police will understand that the caller is a victim of domestic abuse.
Councillor Debra Coupar, Leeds City Council executive member for communities, said:
“I want people in Leeds to know that anyone experiencing domestic violence and abuse has the right to live their life free from violence. At this time, the risk is likely to be higher as people are asked to remain in their homes. It is important that people continue to follow the guidance from Public Health England about isolation and social distancing, but we know that for some people home is not a safe place to be.
“The message from Leeds City Council, Safer Leeds and all our partners is to reach out if you’re worried for your own safety or the safety of your family and friends.”
For advice on domestic abuse you can visit www.leeds.gov.uk/domesticviolence
Alternatively, you can call the 24 hour Leeds Domestic Violence helpline on (0113) 246 0401
This post is based on a press release issued by Leeds City Council