Community Reporters Course

Martyn CertificatesOur 10 week course is over. I’ve quite enjoyed myself. Our time at Tenants Hall has been well spent. Our tutor has been John Baron, who is the editor of the South Leeds Life magazine.

We’ve been taught how to write an article, using various techniques. Work from notes or audio, getting ideas and expanding on them. There has been several practice sessions with cameras, going to two or three places to gain experience in photography and interview skills.

Our first outing was to Middleton Park, where we had a walk round the Lake and into Middleton Woods. Some of the paths date back hundreds of years. We mostly went our separate ways, depending on what views interested us. I met several people and had some nice chats.

A visit to the City Museum was good, teaching us to hunt out things of interest in South Leeds. Another visit there was to meet the Park Manager Graeme Ashton and voluntary worker Gayle. The amount of information that they gave us was quite amazing. The interview was in the new café which is quite a “green” building. It is very well insulated, with a roof that had sedum plants on it. We were quite comfortable without coats, despite the fact that outside there was frost on the paths and the Lake was frozen.

South Leeds Community Radio was an interesting afternoon.  We learned how to record an interview. Jaz Long was the guy to thank for that session.

We’ve had various comments on legal issues to cover such as slander, libel and copyright. Social media was a good way of teaching us Twitter and Facebook.

John has done a good job tutoring us and thanks must also go to Jeremy.

This article was written by Martyn White